OPEN THU & FRI 11-5, SAT 11-6, SUN 11-3


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January 16, 2021 1 min read

More than 150 dealers will set up next weekend in the Round Top area for Winter Show and Curate will be open Thursday 11 - 5, Friday 11 - 6, Saturday 11 - 6, and Saturday 11 - 3.

Winter Show began about 13 years ago and was anchored by the Red Barn but as things go in Round Top, the show has expanded in the past few years.

For insiders, it is known as the less hectic little sister of the big shows. So if you want an adventure but aren't fond of big crowds, this is a great way to get a taste of the show. More than the big shows, this one is an adventure. Each venue sets its own hours and you really just have to be an intrepid explorer curious to find treasures in unexpected places.