OPEN THU & FRI 11-5, SAT 11-6, SUN 11-3


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In 15 years of online retail, we've never really had to outline reasonable terms but if 2021 taught us anything, it was that we needed to be very specific. For more detailed information on RETURNS click here. But first note the following:
PLEASE NOTE We do NOT accept returns on the following items no matter how good or long the story is.
  • burned candles (even if your toddler lit it by accident)
  • earrings that your cat ate (we encourage you please do not attempt retrieval)
  • partially or fully consumed product (products must remain wrapped and sealed in their original cozy little wrapper)
  • bags that your dog mistook for a chew toy (but we will make you a new one)
  • bags that were stolen out of the front seat of your unlocked car (or your locked car) bag returns are sort of a "must be present to win situation"
In addition, we do NOT accept returns on the following personal care items or anything that you might put on your body or light or ingest.
  • bath goods
  • body care products
  • skin care products
  • fragrance products
  • candles

NOTE If you are interested in a personal care product, come into the shop as we have testers for everything. If you cannot get by the shop, just email or text us to see if we have a sample for you to try before you buy.